Hopeful FamiliesAdoption ProfessionalsPricing

Dana & Jim

Hoping to adopt twins, one child
Married household
Stay at home parent
Open to any level of communication
Hoping to adopt a boy

About Us

We met 17 years ago at a basketball game. Jim was playing on the same team as a mutual friend. Jim is 6’9 and I had never seen anyone that tall in real life! I am pretty sure I stared at him the entire time. After the game, I asked the mutual friend about him and he asked the same friend about me-not knowing the other was interested. We like to give our fiend credit for us being married. He should become a matchmaker!


EthnicityBlack or African American
Bachelor Degree


EthnicityWhite / Caucasian
Bachelor Degree

Our Family and Friends

We love going to Yankee and Giants games to cheer on our teams. We also enjoy going into the city to watch Broadway shows and the ballet. We are both very social and enjoy hanging out with friends and family. The only thing missing from our story is the addition of a child to complete our family.

Home and Community

We live in a three bedroom private home. We are located near many elementary schools, parks, playgrounds and a wonderful zoo. We are 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan. It is a beautiful place to raise a family!